Voice Trilling is Good for You. Why?

Voice Trilling is Good for You. Why?

lip trill
Lip trilling is a great exercise for anyone who wants to improve their vocal.

Voice trilling is good for you. Why? Cause it is a challenging exercise for anyone who wants to improve their singing voice. It can prove especially difficult for those who have previously struggled with speech and language disorders or used to having tensions around vocal tract. Why so, you may wonder.
It is largely because trilling will be intermittent and choppy when you have poor vocal habits like unnecessary lips movements, facial depressions line, tension around neck/shoulders/chest, hence most learners will feel frustrated and disheartened..

However yet, it has proven to be a great litmus test in ensuring all the above are in checks while doing vocalised sounds. On top, it requires you to maintain the steady flow of air while transitioning from a low-pitched sound to a high-pitched one.  Hence it builds good vocal habits and muscle memory to reduce voice abuse.


Strengthening Your Vocal Cords

When you voice trill, you’re creating a soft balance of the vocal folds contact points, especially when you build up the ability to trill longer phrases with better air efficiency (aka-rationing your breath-flow). Overtime, this balanced pressure can help strengthen the muscles in your vocal cords without over-pressuring on the cords which is very common with amateur whenever you want to sound more louder. This is a poor use of vocal control!
Thus, trilling daily will condition you to use proper techniques when increasing the volume of both your speaking voice and singing voice.


Improving Your Lung Capacity

Voice trilling can help improve your lung capacity, because you are required to execute diaphragmatic breathing to sustain long and projected phrases with less tension. This can help you expand your lung capacity, allowing you to sing louder and longer without becoming tense.


Helping You Relax Your Upper Body

Most singers commit upper body tension with chest breathing, leading to chest and shoulders raising up, neck tension and unnecessary movements at facial/lips muscles. These are the pitfalls of vocal development, where most people will face the plateau in voice development! Voice Trilling corrects these and requires you to let go of these unconscious tensions. Remember, you are supposed to feel NOTHING at your upper body. Your support ring should be felt at your lower body region.



Overall, voice trilling can help you improve your singing voice, breath control, and voice fluency. Basically it just takes practice and mostly letting go of the desire to hold onto a tight control of your voice. Daily conditioning also helps with strengthening your vocal cords so you can hit higher notes more easily with long-term practice.
This is just one of the many benefits of voice trilling, so if you’re interested in improving your singing voice, this is a great exercise to add to your daily routine.

Want to know how to trill? Here is an article to guide you along!
If you would like a vocal coach to help you to ensure you are doing it right – book a trial class with us and experience Vocal EXPRESSWAY®. 🙂


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