Exclusive! Interview with Local singer Chriz Tong (汤薇恩).

      Are you a fan of Singapore’s Channel 8 serial dramas?  If so, you might have heard of some songs sang by Chriz Tong (汤薇恩), a certified Hark Music’s Vocal Coach! (She’s nominated consecutively 3 times in Star Awards for Best Theme Song!) She is the voice behind theme songs for Kampong Ties “甘榜情”, Don’t Stop Believin […]

He did it in just 6 months!

  6 months ago, Nicholas had completely zero background in the playing the piano. But now he is able to play and sing a complete song!   “I never thought that I could sing and play a complete song during the breakthrough performance in just 6 months of learning the pop piano.”    Find out […]

Singing was never on beat!

Months ago, Evelyn was not able to sing on beat due to her poor rhythmic sense. But now she is finally able!  Her music sense after attending singing lessons has improved and now she is able to fully express her feelings when she sings without having to worry if she is on beat.    Find […]

Exclusive! Jeremy Teng – Winner of ‘The Ultimate Voice 2013’!

  On the 19th October 2013, we crowned Jeremy Teng as the Grand Champion of ‘The Ultimate Voice 2013’! Not only did he win the title, but he has also won himself his very own recording single!    “I’ve thought of it, dreamed of it and imagined my voice playing on radio!” ~ Jeremy Teng, […]

An unforgettable 3 weeks journey.

  Since 2009, we have helped hundreds of guitar enthusiasts to attain a jump-start in guitar playing in just a mere 3 weeks… We have seen many guitar learners who can’t even play a proper song in months, even years… In this signature programme of ours, we propelled these learners by going through a proven […]

Transforming from a Listener to a Musician!

Chewy Huei, like many music lovers have always enjoyed listening to music. However, instead of just enjoying music, she always wanted to learn how to express the music in her. She wanted to play and sing! This was something that she was unable to do so until she joined Hark Music. Now after completing THE […]

A different person… More confident, more positive!

He wanted to learn how to play the piano in the pop way – not needing to rely on scores, playing more from senses and able to accompany his singing, just like Jay Chou, JJ-Lin! Having classical music background could not help him achieve his intended goals, therefore he needed to get some answers… Mervin […]

Get the most out of your learning experience!

If you want to gain the most out of your experience as a learner, ask yourself – who would you want to be: A quick look into Passive vs Active Learner:   A Passive Learner Simply taking in what the teacher told you Copying notes without thinking into own context and understanding Can regurgitate what […]

Exclusive! Featured Contestants of The Ultimate Voice 2013

EXCLUSIVE! Congratulations to featured contestants of The Ultimate Voice 2013! They now have “Priority Pass” to the qualifying rounds of the competition.   Find out a little more about these talented contestants and watch a couple of their sneak preview videos in this exclusive post!   Astrid Wong (Solo English)      Q: What made you join The Ultimate […]

Couldn’t hold a tune… when he went to karaoke, months back!

Months ago, Ray was not able sing a song on key!  Now, not only has his pitching has improved significantly, he has also able to sing notes he never knew was achievable!  We did a short interview with him…  1) What has been your prominent musical breakthrough so far?  Well, the fact that my family […]