We’re looking for students who can be part of Hark Performing Team!


We’re looking for students who can be part of Hark Performing Team! It’s time for you to gain some invaluable experiences!


  • Enjoy discounts off course fees and recording sessions
  • Heighten your musical skills through fun interaction in a music community
  • Gain exposures from outdoor performances
  • Get paid for commercial events

This’s gonna be an exciting opportunity for all budding singers and instrumentalists!

Date: 16 Nov (FRI) 7.30pm

Audition open to all active and former Hark Students!
Call us 63330733 to register or email us at info@harkmusic.com with your Full Name & Contact Number.


We are launching our Video & Library section VERY SOON!!!!!

Will announce BIG BIG when officially launched!!!

The Library Sections will have more than hundreds of songs!!
There will be Music Articles on Singing Tips too!!!
and VIDEOS!!!!


p/s: There’s a slight blunder from our web developer who accidently uploaded the final flash files!! Some of you may have already got a first look at the sections….oops! at the not-so-ready sections!!! You got the very first privilege to look at the not-so-complete pages….. (!) Hahaa…

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