WSQ Voice Confidence Course – Registration Profiling Form

Indicate Your Interest

After you fill up this form, we will check your funding tier. 
Note that it does not indicate a definition of a seat confirmation. 

Upon submission of this form, we will respond to you via email for further details.

Learn and Apply

Learning Outcome 1 : Use appropriate core vocal and fundamental communication techniques in various settings

Voice instrument wsq

Voice Instrument

Key principles and guidelines used for vocal control and vocal health


(Diaphragm - Abs - Resonance) Breath Control technique

Delivery Techniques

Communications & interpersonal techniques

Learning Outcome 2 : Engage different audiences with suitable communication modes, tools, styles and approaches

5D Voice

5-D Voice (Projection, Space, Density, Tone Placement and Vowel Placement)

stage presence

Stage Presence

Stage presence and Mic control

Pitch Placement

Pitch placement and Speech intonation

Learning Outcome 3 : Communicate clearly and effectively at the workplace

Practical Sessions

Practical and Conditioning exercises

Personalised Guidance

Application of techniques according to various scenarios

5D voice

Feedback Loop

Evaluation of learner’s performance

Class Setting

Small Group

4 Sessions x 3 hours

Class Size: 4 – 6 pax

Conducted once per week

Completed in 1 month