Oh great…..so many photos to upload from the last Saturday’s concert…
It is taking ages to upload the photos one – by – one….
Sigh..Hopefully, blogger is in the midst of doing some upgrades to their photo loader.
Best if it can be like facebook or friendster’s photo loader.. they were soo much convenient! Haha…next time I’m going to think twice in choosing so many photos!!! :))
Alright, here are some captures of the concert night feat. BlackForest & LGF. (with amusing captions for entertainment purposes!)
Yes, we say they rocked & blew everyone away. The cheers, applauses were thundering….
LGF’s Elias & BlackForest’s Ernest, taking a V photo together before the concert.
LGF’s Melvyn & BlackForest’s Iqbal, relaxing around our comfy sofas before the concert!
Gearing up the place with video cameras, (3 cameras in total..); an audio pick-up….
LGF – taking a group photo together!
Outside…. Audiences are waiting for entry..
Ok, take a picture!! SMILE!
CONCERT STARTS!!! With BlackForest!
It was heart-thumping & deafening!!!!!
It was soo ‘shiok’ playing to a FULL HOUSE!
Adorable girl among the guys..Renhui, on keyboards. She sings too!
Look at the cheeky face!! She was trying to create some sound effect whilst Ernest was making some ‘cold jokes’…Haha..