In about 3 weeks time, we will be staging our flagship concert, featuring local bands – LGF & Black Forest!
Just got a news that U-Weekly will be featuring this event line-up too!
Great! Choices Magazine will also be publishing their event photos for post-publicity!
Haha..soo many media coverages…
I heard that some Mediacorp personnel (from Channel8) will be coming down to watch the concert too…..A local film director may be down to check out the bands as they are looking for rock material for their upcoming film…
Let’s cross our fingers and hope everything goes well!
Good luck, bands!
We will be releasing a limited number of tickets for pre-booking!!!
Yes! You heard it RIGHT~
Date: 8th December 2007
Time: 8-10pm
Admission: $5 (Free Seating)
Quick, call us at 6333 0733/6339 0100 for booking to avoid disappointment!
With so many magazines covering the event, this is going to be a packed packed concert!