Hark’s SuperBand!!!

What are these people watching?……

Oh, it’s our Hark “SUPERBAND”!

Alan on DRUMS!

Jenix on GUITAR!

Patrick on KEYBOARD!

Right! They are the ones who made our Semifinals ALIVE!
C’mon down this Friday to watch them play in action again for our GRAND FINALS!
This is going to be one of the most happening event to look forward!

And we will see the birth of our first winner for this annual event – Hark Music Student Singing Competition!

Here are some photos from our Semifinal 1 & 2 held on 10, 12 August 2007.

Aaron sang 流泪手心. Yes, he’s in the finals!

Fanny. She sang 超快感.
Her sporting friends even brought light-sticks, and waving like fans!

Great atmosphere! Though she did not get into the finals, we know she must have gained plenty of experiences through this journey!

Sophia sang 回家.
Though her t-shirt says nothing related to the song, she brought us a nice performance!

She gamely sang a challenging part of the song in acapella, in request by our judges and I say she did well! We will look forward to her performance in this coming friday’s final. From the poll, she is the high high favourite to win the contest. Haha, I hope she do not put too much pressure on herself for that and bring us her best!

Daisy sang 白色婚礼.
Yep, her dressing relates nothing to the song too. And yes…a little ‘too retro’..:P But yes, of course, she sang well. She’s in the final this friday. I don’t know what song she’s going to sing but hopes she gives us some surprises.

Cedric sang 新不了情.

His song selection gave our band the chance to 发挥! It was such a nice grooving number to be enjoyed with live band accompaninent. He requested Halem’s version of this classic hit. His groove was pretty good, however his vocal techniques wasn’t good enough to nail the song. However, definitely, we can see his earnest, sincere performance. He did not successfully progressed to the finals, but sure, it’s his improvement through these rounds of competition that we and he can see. GAMBATEH!

Xuewei sang 还是会寂寞.

With her soothing vocal tone, it was no doubt that everyone enjoyed her performance. No major errors she made that night. I guess it was just that the song did not managed to earn her a strong impression compared to the rest of the contestants that night. It was a pity, but don’t worry, Xuewei, you sang well and have a good voice. Selecting the right song is always a tough decision, and not an easy thing to do. That comes with experience as well. Keep it up!

Jeslene sang 一个像夏天 一个像秋天.

She heeded the judges’ comments in the quarterfinals to hide away her glasses, so there she is, looking better! 🙂 A pleasing vocal tone, and with her high ranks among the audiences’ favourites, she walked her way into this friday’s final!

Su Kit sang 逃亡.

A interesting song choice! This kind of song is really a song for the live band to bring out the thumping mood. And yes, the liveband definitely was able to do the job, Su Kit was also able to belt it out too but what was lacking is his voice control. So, take note on this the next time you are on stage, Su Kit. You have a big voice so, learn to control and polish your delivery a little more. It will be PERFECT. 🙂


Carissa sang 征服.

I think she made her song into her own. With her less powerful voice compared to the original singer, she managed to break away from the original song’s style. Her feel was good, with little of her signature’s slurs. She’s in the finals, let’s see what she’ll bring to us this friday!


Yep. Leonard and Yingzhi was the guest performers for our SemiFinal 1.

Alright, let’s continue to the rest of the contestants…..

Junxuan sang 雨天.
A fine delivery though I personally feel he made no impression in this performance. And this is a song I kinda feel is now made popular by 杨宗伟. He’s in this friday’s final as well. Is he going to bring us another song made popular by 杨宗伟 too?


Michelle sang 爱我.
She continued to face the battle despite of a running fever that day. Good spirit, I say. Her delivery lacks colour, as she mainly uses her head voice to sing that song which sounded a little too operatic for a pop number. She did not managed to proceed to the next round successfully, however, we salute her for her good sporting spirit in continuing her battle whilst sick and bringing us her contemporary ballet piece during her quarterfinal despite a small, small stage. 🙂


Amy sang 白天不懂夜的黑.
A classic number. She sang the song decently, though was still far if compared to the original version which was made popular by 那英. Basically, still lacked in dynamics for an emotional song. Nevertheless, she managed to earn herself a place in the final. Let’s see how she will perform, she might surprise us!


Leonard sang 江南.
His interpretation of the song was a little…erm…不搭…
I mean, this song is supposedly emotional, sad…yet his stage presence and body language showed confidence, which was little confusing. Yes, I do feel technically, it was properly sang. What was lacking is the 诠释方式 of the song which was a little ‘out of scope’. Don’t worry, Leonard, we all know you can sing. Next time, understand the song that you are singing. In that way, you can do it!

Joh sang 我也很想他.

Simple delivery and her high notes wasn’t managed well. Through the competition, she has improved a little, a little, with her stage presence and stability. Of course, more stage exposure for her would help alot in her improvement. Work hard, girl! Remember, you have a good voice to start with!

Shi Ming sang 记得.
She remember holding her mic closer, which is good! This isn’t a easy song to sing. An emotional piece with big range and control to hold on to. She was placed in the ‘Pending List’ competing with Aaron. Sadly, Aaron managed to earn a place in the final instead of her. She sang pretty well, I say. Well, there’s still other chance, right? Sometimes, luck still play a part. 🙂

Tat Sin sang 落叶归根.
What a new song! He did not sing exceptionally well that night. However with his unique, alluring, soothing vocal tone, he already won ‘half of the battle’. How lucky! Right, he’s one of the finalist. Let’s see what he has to show us this friday.


Xiaorong sang 想念你的歌.
Sadly she did not managed to deliver the song well this time compared to her quarterfinal when she sang 我恨我爱你. I don’t know what’s wrong this time, it just doesn’t sound right. Maybe she’s not so familiar with the song? Or the song is not suitable for her….Or…… haha, I can’t just make any guess…Anyway, this must have also been an enriching experience for her. Next time, when there’s a performance, choose the right song for your vocal type. That will probably do it!


Eugene sang 我还能爱谁.
Finally, he managed to deliver a performance without any breaks! He was the only one who delivered a ‘complete’ performance that night (SemiFinal 2). No doubt with that, he successfully proceed to this friday’s final. Let’s cross fingers and hope he can perform his chosen song 顺顺利利 this friday!

Their performances showed us what is a PROPER PERFORMANCE.
Their powerful, emotional delivery captured the entire house’s attention. Some even said they almost cried! Remember, that’s hard work and they comes from umpteen number of performances and trainings! Imagine these artistes-in-progress performed every week, since May 2007! Of course, they can sing well… 🙂
So those contestants who did not managed to get into the final round of the competition, don’t be discouraged!
New Event!
Coming up, Hark will be organising a monthly event called the Open Stage where we invite all students to take part, and gain as many performing experience as possible. This is an entirely FREE event where we want to involve and benefit as much students as possible to heighten your learning experience, and to help you improve more through performing lessons….
This is just a early teaser, the official release of information should be in a few weeks time. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, we are all looking forward to this Friday’s Final!
See You!!!

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