实在个手PK Challenge – SHOW 3 (23 Mar 08)

For many who are waiting for the Show Three Recap….here it comes!!!!!

SHOW 3 – 23 Mar 08
Last Sunday’s show theme was 自我风格… Thus, singers chose songs which reflected themselves or their styles…

A number of them chose English numbers…

The judges last sunday was Philip Lim (our veteran instructor in Hark Music), and Maggie Chua (Queen of MediaCorp Serial Drama Theme Songs – as the master host, Amos Teo preferred to refer her as. You see, she sang umpteen songs for MediaCorp serials…)… & of course, the participation of our 4 audiences judges for each PK Challenge – Eddie, Mandy, Weicai & Chris.

A Recap on Show 2 – 16 Mar 08
Last week, we saw the elimination of Aaron Yap. What’s going to happen this week? Left with, Teng Teng, Yingzhi, Leonard, Kenneth, Cherry, Tat Sin…these 6 REAL SINGERS …..

Who will be the one this week?

PK Set 1
Alex (external challenger) VS Kenneth

Alex is the external challenger last week which lost to Teng Teng in a really tight fight with difference of only 1 point. (Alex – 27; Teng Teng – 28). A really accomplished singer, the judges & audience invited him back for another round of challenge, based on his glorious score last week!

Our master host asked him that night on the singer he most wish to compete, and the singer he doesn’t wish to compete…..it all came out to be the same answer……






Teng Teng!

Haha, it’s like a 又爱又恨的feel. 🙂

Anyway, eventually, he drew out Kenneth as his opponent that night.

Alex – 趁早 VS Kenneth – Hello
趁早was a good opening to the show. With the demonstration of great power, good range, and feel, everyone was engrossed into the show… applauded him for his great performance. Judges had fairly good comments for him, except that they felt he might have appeared ‘too fierce’ in the chorus.

Kenneth sang Hello (Lionel Richie). His raspy, husky voice set a perfect scenario for the lonely, ‘drunken’ feel, right in a pub. Judges felt that he was able to bring out the English song well, compared to a Chinese song. However, song choice was a little something to think about, as the climax of the song was good enough to showcase much vocal abilities.

Result: Alex won! 27 points to 25 points! A good score for Kenneth too.

***So now, the external challenger has a choice.
External Challengers won and scored above 25 points have the option to take away the $200 CASH instantly, or ‘trade it’ to stay in the competition as part of ‘The REAL SINGER 班底’ and vie for the top prize of at least $1000 CASH + Prizes!

So, Alex got to make a choice.

He decided to stay on and compete! Yea….!!! We all say he has great potential for the TOP Prize. This is going to be a very exciting competition! Go, Alex, go!

Tat Sin VS Teng Teng

Once Tat Sin knew he has picked up Teng Teng, he broke into hells of nerves, walked round in circles on stage! Hmmm…with such strong contender like Teng Teng, it was little wonder why he did that.

Tat Sin – 我怀念的 VS Teng Teng – Because of You
Tat Sin’s delivery was a little too ‘safe’… in a way where no impact was created. It was commented by the judges that the key was too low too.

Teng Teng’s English number was able to carry off with some conviction in the beginning… however, as the song proceeded on, the feel went a little flat. Yes, sure she was able to hit the high notes, but..… I guess it just couldn’t carry it off well. Judges commented that her way of singing was a little ‘old-fashioned’.


Result: Teng Teng won!

Carissa (external challenger) VS Cherry

Oh… this was a dramatic thingy going on here….
The initial invited external challenger wasn’t Carissa. Something cropped up to the original challenger and it was a last-minute notice when she informed that she could not take part in this showcase competition! It was already 4pm++ on that day! OMG…Everyone got to think quick for alternatives….

“…It was already too late for the band to practice another new song…”
“…We could not carry on the show with only 7 performers…”
“… Who is ready??? At the moment of time?…..”

It was our luck that we managed to find Carissa – one of our performers in Hark Performing Team. She was pretty gamed to help us out, and probably it would help to gain her some experience too singing with a full live band and in such a atmosphere.

It was hard on her that she has to sing the original contender’s chosen song instead of her signature song, and of course, to memorise the lyrics & practice the song in just 3 hours!
It may seem easy of some of you…but to a girl who is just 19 yrs old???? With little stage experience? We were all admired by her courage!

“Ok…This is going to be a tough night…for her..”

Carissa – 蓝天 VS Cherry – 不痛
Cherry started off the challenge first. She sang 不痛. Her delivery lacked management & feel. There wasn’t a connection. Her vocals did not have enough 辨识度 too. Her tonal projection was constantly in the head range.

Carissa was next up. She lacked in having enough support to handle this wide-range song. It was nerve-wrecking, especially when the song needs to modulate up 1 key in the last chorus. Judges commented that it was pretty decent when she started the song, but it couldn’t sustain when proceeding into chorus. However, her voice expressions & emotions-filled voice were rather alluring to the audience. Pity was the lack of voice control when it climaxed.

Result: Carissa won! with a close fight!!!! Everyone CHEERED!!!!

Carissa was really uncaught aware of her win. It was a moment to remember, and a moment to be learnt. Just be truthful to yourself, and your performance, you will shine through. Even though Carissa lacked some vocal techniques to carry the big song well, she managed to woo the judges and the audience with her heartfelt performance – through her song management and feel.

So what can we learn from this?
When you do not treat the performance like a competition, & do not over-stress yourself, what you reap, will be much more than what you thought can be. Enjoying yourself is the REAL THING!

*THUMBS UP! Thumbs UP!*

Leonard VS Yingzhi

Leonard – This Love VS Yingzhi – Boulevard of Broken Dream
‘This Love’ suited Leonard very well, and he could deliver English numbers rather well. I say he still needs to improve his ‘natural’ on stage. Still looking tight up on stage, not thoroughly enjoying himself on stage, he did not managed to spread the joy, the beat, the ‘high’ of the song to everyone present. It was a pity… Leonard, 加油!Learn to enjoy yourself on stage, and feeling the high, high, HIGH~~~

Yingzhi sang a more acoustic version of the song, made popular by Green Day. I felt that this song was quite flat to begin with, and it could not show much of any vocal capabilities. It was quite neither here nor there kind of performance. It was quite pitchy all over the song too.

Result: Yingzhi won! It was a close fight. Really.

Some VIDEOS will be posted up this blog very soon~! And will be uploading some PHOTOS from last sunday’s show too! Keep a close watch to this blog!

p.s: Just can’t wait to share this exciting drama to you guys first, before we finish all the editing (videos & photos)… I am going to be back soon. TRUST ME! Hehehee..:)

p.s.s: Don’t just keep reading this blog, come on down to Lunar this Sunday to catch all these drama mama…by the way, we have invited 2 new external challengers this week. Catch them live!

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